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Chair: Rudi Faltus
Vice-Chair: Constance Flannery
Secretary: Mary Farquhar
Treasurer: Tim Tindol
At-Large members:  Lisa Guzman, Alexia Tindol, Martha Gould
Legislative and Political Action Committee: Bob Fesler
Activities and Resource Committee: Marian Gonzalez

Health Committee: Diane Erlich

UESF-Retired –

Then and Now


Our organization started in 1984 as a chapter of the San

Francisco Federation of Teachers and, as a result of the

1989 SFFT/SFCTA merger, became the UESF-Retired

Division. We currently have more than 870 members,

and we focus on meeting the needs of retired teachers

and paraprofessionals. Any UESF member is good

standing at the time of retirement from the SFUSD is

invited to join us.


Our top priorities are protecting retiree health benefits and pensions. But we also offer a wide variety of social, cultural and other activities, such as our book, garden and nature clubs; investment group and several active committees, including Activities & Resources, Legislative and Health. We have regular private City Guide and museum docent tours and theater outings, all announced in our monthly Newsletter.


We work with active UESF members and our AFT/CFT and NEA/CTA retired affiliates on matters of mutual interest. We also work closely with many other retiree groups, such as the Retired Employees of the City & County of San Francisco (RECCSF), the California Retired Teachers Association (CalRTA), the Federation of Retired Union Members (FORUM), Senior Action Network (SAN) and the California Alliance of Retired Americans (CARA).



UESF Retired Division



UESF Retired provides a variety of activities that are limited only by our imagination and the willingness of our members to volunteer to coordinate. ARC provides support, members are encouraged to develop new activities based on their interests and share them. Volunteers coordinate activities, usually those that are of interest to them. All of these established groups are always looking to welcome new participants.



The UESF Retired Book Club gets together monthly to read and discuss books. When we finish one, we decide what to read next. Some books we have read recently: Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver, The Oracle of Stambul by Michael David Lukas, The Glass Room by Simon Mawer, Race to Splendor by Ciji Ware, The  Dovekeepers by Alice Hoffman, Bless Me Ultima by Rodolfo Anaya and many others.  Alexia Tindol,



San Francisco City Guides is a non-profit organization whose mission is to preserve and perpetuate the history and folklore of San Francisco and celebrate its rich history of cultural diversity. Just about every month, a private tour of one area of the city is reserved for UESF Retired members and friends. Tours usually last about 1 ½ hours and are lively, anecdotal and fun. A few of the many places we have toured recently: Fisherman ‘s Wharf, Cow Hollow, CityScapes and Public Places, Gold Rush City, Art Deco Marina.  Anne Maughn Faye,



The primary goal here is for members to bring dilemmas, problems, etc. of the financial nature into our group to benefit from the considerable group experience. Thorny issues are given further investigation and everyone is the wiser and financially safer. Members try to bring in ideas about shifting trends in the investing world for discussion and for informing further investment research.. Avenues for ever greater understanding of investment instruments are explored and refined to meet individual needs.   Tim Tindol,



The Lunch Bunch is an ever-changing group of people determined to explore as many lunch spots in San Francisco as possible and have a good time doing it! Have a suggestion, or just looking for a fun afternoon?  Jackie Throne,



UESF Retired Division sponsors many museum, theater and other cultural outings throughout the year. We attend museum, theater,  and cultural events in a group with docent tours, enjoy the exhibits, theater, music, etc. with like-minded people who we like to be with, have the place to ourselves at times, like to reach out and explore different venues and are limited only by our need for coordinators for a museum or an event. See current offerings listed separately.    Marian Gonzalez,



Over the last several years or so, Tim Tindol and Lou Webb have led a series of nature walks in parks and other open spaces of the Bay Area. Among other spots, we’ve visited Corona Heights Park, Mountain Lake, Mount Tam, the Presidio, San Bruno Mountain, and Richardson Bay, with the leaders sharing their expertise in geology, wildflowers, birds, and marine biology. Possible areas for future exploration include McLaren Park, Devil’s Slide, San Pedro Valley, Fort Funston, Kirby Cove, and the tidepools of Moss Beach.    Check the newsletters for sign-up information.

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